Tumors of the Parotidomasseteric Area Associated with Inadequate Primary Treatment: Report of 2 Cases

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Parotid neoplasia are relatively frequent, representing approximately 3% of all tumors in the head and neck regions. But incomplete resection and misdiagnosis of parotid gland is followed by multiple tumor invasion, tumor recurrence, and other iatrogenic tumor formation. In patients undergoing parotidectomy for confirmed or suspected malignancy, the traditional or modified rhytidectomy incision may prove suboptimal because it does not easily lend itself to a continuous neck dissection. Similarly, patients with tumors of the anterior accessory lobe or patients with large anterior tumors may also require the modified Blair incision for adequate surgical exposure. This report serves to revisit the topic of accessory and parotid gland neoplasms to emphasize proper management, particularly the surgical aspects, so that consequences of recurrence are avoided. METHODS: This is a retrospective review of our experience with two cases of parotid tumors; one accessory parotid gland neoplasm and one parotid gland neoplasm. We report the case of parotid tumor and epidermal cyst in a 54-year old male patient and the case of case of recurrent parotid tumor with local invasion in 30-year old male patient.
All were removed through a modified Blair incision. Pathologic report notified that One was found pleomorphic adenoma and epidermal cyst, and the other one pleomorphic adenoma with subcutenous invasion. The patients recovered well without any complication such as infection, hematoma, facial nerve palsy, and necrosis of skin flap. Patients were discharge POD#7. Patients were followed up to for 1 year and they have no sign of recurrence.
A high index of suspicion, prudent diagnostic skills(including fine-needle aspiration biopsy, CT, US), and meticulous surgical approach are the keys to a successful management of these lesions. We experienced two cases of parotid neoplasia, in the treatment of tumor reccurence & iatrogenic tumor arising from the parotid gland and are presented with the review of literatures.
All Author(s)
J. W. Song ; H. J. Choi ; M. S. Kim ; H. S. Ahn ; J. H. Kim ; Y. M. Lee
Issued Date
Parotid glandRecurrent pleomorphic adenoma
Citation Title
Journal of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
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