The Effect of Testosterone Replacement on Sexual Function in the Elderly: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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PURPOSE: Healthy aging is an important concern in an aging society. Although the causal relationship between hypogonadism and erectile dysfunction in elderly men remains unclear, many physicians have achieved positive results after implementing exogenous testosterone supplementation therapy in patients with normal or slightly low blood testosterone. The purpose of this study was to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis on whether testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) could improve sexual function in the elderly, as reported recently. MATERIALS AND METHODS: As a comprehensive literature search was performed to find articles published in PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane databases by January 2022. The search used keywords of 'aged', 'male', 'sexual behavior', and 'testosterone'. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were finally selected. As the main effect variable, results of a questionnaire on sexual function were analyzed and the effects of TRT were compared to those of placebo control. RESULTS: Five RCT studies were included in this meta-analysis. The overall improvement by mean difference of sexual function for testosterone supplementation was 0.082 (95% CI: -0.049 to 0.213). In subgroup analysis, only intramuscular injection of 1,000 mg testosterone significantly improved sexual function of the elderly (0.229, 95% CI: 0.112 to 0.347). There was no significant difference in sexual function according to testosterone dose in meta-ANOVA (p=0.957). The difference was not statistically significant either in the meta-regression test (p=0.310). Egger's regression coefficient test did not indicate a publication bias (p=0.132). CONCLUSIONS: Although our overall effect size (that is, sexual function effect of TRT) did not show a significant improvement, the direction of improvement in erection and motivation was clearly shown. The injection formulation resulted in a significant sexual function improvement. Since only a few RCTs were included in the analysis, more well-designed prospective studies are needed to have a definite conclusion.
All Author(s)
H. J. Yang ; K. H. Kim ; D. S. Kim ; C. H. Lee ; Y. S. Jeon ; S. R. Shim ; J. H. Kim
Issued Date
AgedMeta-analysisSexual healthTestosterone
Korean Society for Sexual Medicine and Andrology
2287-4208 ; 2287-4690
Citation Title
The world journal of men's health
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