Clinical and endoscopic characteristics of sessile serrated adenomas/polyps with dysplasia/adenocarcinoma in a Korean population: A Korean Association for the Study of Intestinal Diseases (KASID) multicenter study

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Sessile serrated adenomas/polyps (SSA/Ps) are precancerous lesions that account for one-third of colorectal cancers. The endoscopic and pathologic differentiation between SSA/Ps without dysplasia (SSA/POs) and SSA/Ps with dysplasia or adenocarcinoma (SSA/PDAs) can be difficult. This study aimed to assess the clinical characteristics of SSA/PDs. This multicenter retrospective cohort study included 532 patients who underwent endoscopic resection and were pathologically diagnosed with SSA/POs and SSA/PDAs. Initially, medical, endoscopic, and histopathological records of patients who underwent endoscopic resection of SSA/POs and SSA/PDAs at eight university hospitals in Korea between January 2005 and December 2015 were reviewed. A total of 307 (57.7%) patients were detected in men and 319 (60.0%) were located in the proximal colon. Most SSA/Ps had a flat, slightly elevated, or sessile morphology. The most prevalent endoscopic findings of SSA/Ps were nodular surface (244, 45.9%), disrupted vascular pattern (232, 43.6%), altered fold contour (141, 26.5%), dome-shaped morphology (135, 25.4%), and pale color (115, 21.6%). SSA/POs were more commonly found in the proximal colon, compared to SSA/PDAs. SSA/PDAs displayed 0-Ip, Isp, IIb or IIa + IIc morphologies more frequently, while SSA/POs displayed 0-Is or IIa morphology more frequently. The frequency of a rim of debris/bubbles was significantly higher in SSA/POs, while nodular surface and disrupted vascular pattern were significantly higher in SSA/PDAs. In the univariate analysis of endoscopic features, SSA/PDAs were significantly associated with the distal colon location, 0-Isp and IIb morphologies, nodular surface, and disrupted vascular pattern. In the multivariate analysis, 0-IIb, nodular surface, and disrupted vascular pattern were significantly associated with SSA/PDAs. SSA/Ps with 0-IIb morphology, nodular surface and disrupted vascular pattern are associated with an increased risk of dysplasia or adenocarcinoma.
All Author(s)
K. H. Kim ; K. O. Kim ; Y. Jung ; J. Lee ; S. W. Kim ; J. H. Kim ; T. J. Kim ; Y. S. Cho ; Y. E. Joo
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Nature Publishing Group
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