Korean Medication Algorithm for Bipolar Disorder 2014: comparisons with other treatment guidelines

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Our goal was to compare the recommendations of the Korean Medication Algorithm Project for Bipolar Disorder 2014 (KMAP-BP 2014) with other recently published guidelines for the treatment of bipolar disorder. We reviewed a total of four recently published global treatment guidelines and compared each treatment recommendation of the KMAP-BP 2014 with those in other guidelines. For the initial treatment of mania, there were no significant differences across treatment guidelines. All recommended mood stabilizer (MS) or atypical antipsychotic (AAP) monotherapy or the combination of an MS with an AAP as a first-line treatment strategy for mania. However, the KMAP-BP 2014 did not prefer monotherapy with MS or AAP for dysphoric/psychotic mania. Aripiprazole, olanzapine, quetiapine, and risperidone were the first-line AAPs in nearly all of the phases of bipolar disorder across the guidelines. Most guidelines advocated newer AAPs as first-line treatment options in all phases, and lamotrigine in depressive and maintenance phases. Lithium and valproic acid were commonly used as MSs in all phases of bipolar disorder. As research evidence accumulated over time, recommendations of newer AAPs - such as asenapine, paliperidone, lurasidone, and long-acting injectable risperidone - became prominent. This comparison identifies that the treatment recommendations of the KMAP-BP 2014 are similar to those of other treatment guidelines and reflect current changes in prescription patterns for bipolar disorder based on accumulated research data. Further studies are needed to address several issues identified in our review.
All Author(s)
J. H. Jeong ; J. G. Lee ; M. D. Kim ; I. Sohn ; S. H. Shim ; H. R. Wang ; Y. S. Woo ; D. I. Jon ; J. S. Seo ; Y. C. Shin ; K. J. Min ; B. H. Yoon ; W. M. Bahk
Issued Date
KMAP-2014bipolar disorderguideline comparisonpharmacotherapytreatment algorithm
International Neuropsychiatric Assoc
1176-6328 ; 1178-2021
Citation Title
Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment
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정신건강의학과 > 1. Journal Papers
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