자궁경부 종양에서 인유두종 바이러스 아형에 관한 연구

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A Study for the Prevalence of High-risk HPV Subtype in Uterine Cervical Neoplasia of Korean Women
OBJECTIVE: Many studies about Human Papilloma virus (HPV) that is a causative factor uterine cervical cancer have been established and more than 85 HPV types have been identified. The distributions of cancer-associated HPV types are different according to nations and region. To estimate the extent of infection with common HPVs among Korean women, we have examined specimens of various cervical lesion. METHODS: The samples were collected from 135 Korean women visiting the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Chunan Hospital Soonchunhyang University, Chunan, Korea. DNA was extracted from the specimen and 112 samples were available. HPV subtype were identified using HPV DNA Chip and P-E ABI prism 310 DNA Autosequencer. RESULTS: HPV DNA was detected in 98 cervical sample (80.3%) out of 122 cases. HPV typing in the samples revealed the prevalence of HPV 16 in 56 cases (57.1%), followed by HPV 58 in 14 cases (14.3%) and HPV 18 were only 2 cases (2.0%) among 98 HPV (+) cases. HPV-negative case was 34.8% and HPV-positive case was 65.2% in CIN I group. HPV-negative case was significantly high in CIN I group. HPV-positive cases were 83 cases (83.8%) in the cases advanced more than CIN I. There were significant difference comparing CIN I group. The order of cervical neoplasia-associated type were HPV-16, -58, -52 and ect. The pattern is similar to the results reported in China and Japanese. CONCLUSION: The finding indicated that the overall prevalence of HPV among Korean women is similar to that in China and Japanese, the distinct high proportion of HPV 58 infection deserves attention. The prevalence of high-risk HPV in Korean women is different from the one in western women but accumulated data from larger population and different regions in Korea is needed.
All Author(s)
P. Y. Kim ; D. W. Lee ; J. H. Seo ; J. G. Sunwoo ; D. H. Bae ; D. J. Jeong
Issued Date
Cervical neoplasiaHPV typesHPV DNA chipInfectionPrevalence
Korean Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology
0494-4755 ; 1738-5628 ; 2287-8580
Citation Title
Korean Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology
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