Comparison of disposable digital single-operator cholangioscopy versus direct peroral cholangioscopy for the diagnosis of intraductal superficial lesions of the bile duct

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Background: Disposable digital single-operator cholangioscopy (D-SOC) and direct peroral cholangioscopy (D-POC) using an ultraslim endoscope are established POC modalities for the diagnosis and treatment of various biliary diseases. We compared the usefulness of D-SOC and D-POC for the diagnosis of intraductal superficial lesions of the bile duct (ISL-Bs).

Methods: 38 consecutive patients with suspected biliary diseases who underwent both D-SOC and D-POC were enrolled. The primary outcome was ISL-B detection rate, and the secondary outcomes were technical success of POC and POC-guided forceps biopsy sampling (POC-FB), procedure time, visualization quality, and tissue adequacy.

Results: D-SOC had a higher technical success rate than D-POC but the difference was not statistically significant (100% vs. 92.1%, P = 0.25). D-POC had a marginally higher ISL-B detection rate (34.2% vs. 28.9%, P = 0.68) and significantly higher visualization quality (P = 0.03). The mean (SD) procedure time was significantly shorter with D-SOC (11.00 [1.33] vs. 19.03 [2.95] minutes, P<0.001). The technical success rate of POC-FB and tissue adequacy did not differ between the two techniques (D-SOC vs. D-POC: 81.8% vs. 84.6%, P = 0.69 and 77.8% vs. 90.9%, P = 0.57, respectively).

Conclusions: Both POC systems were safe and useful for the detection, characterization, and diagnosis of minute ISL-Bs. While D-SOC displayed a shorter procedure time and a tendency for higher technical success rate, D-POC provided superior visualization quality, allowing detailed observation of the surface structure and microvascular patterns.
All Author(s)
Il Sang Shin ; Jong Ho Moon ; Yun Nah Lee ; Hee Kyung Kim ; Jun Chul Chung ; Tae Hoon Lee ; Jae Kook Yang ; Young Deok Cho ; Sang-Heum Park
Issued Date
Georg Thieme Verlag
0013-726X ; 1438-8812
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