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A Case Report of Symptomatic Torus Palatinus
Purpose: Torus palatinus is a bony prominence at the middle of the hard palate. The size varies from barely discernible to very large, from flat to lobular. This oral exostosis is not a disease or a sign of disease, but if large, may be a problem. So, we present the clinical and histopathologic features and applied therapy and provide a comprehensive review of the rare case of the symptomatic exostoses. Methods: A 37-year-old woman had slowly growing exophytic nodular mass of the bone that arises the midline suture of the hard palate. The patient was concerned about discomfort associated with movement of her tongue and about frequent irritation of the palatal mucosa during mastification of the hard food. The patient had a large, unilobulated torus palatinus. It extended from the area adjacent to the canine to a point beyond the junction with the soft palate. The mass was oblong in shape, measuring about 3 cm long, 2 cm wide, and 0.8 cm in height. Results: Before surgical intervention a CT was obtained for the sake of estimating the thickness of the bone between the exostoses and the maxillary antrum and floor of the nose. The surgical procedure was performed with the patient under general anesthesia. Removal of the exostosis was performed after midline mucoperiosteal incision with osteotome and diamond burr. Histologic finding revealed decalcified dense bony tissue, the presence of lacunae, and normal osteocytes. Conclusion: Surgical removal is recommended when one or more of the following condition exist: interference with the construction of prosthesis, interference with oral function, irritation or pathology of the overlying tissue, inability of the patient to maintain proper oral hygiene, and fear of malignancy or other psychologic trauma. We report a rare case of the torus arising in hard palate with symptoms.
All Author(s)
권준성 ; 최환준 ; 양형은 ; 탁민성
Issued Date
PalateExostosisTorus palatinusHyperostosis
1015-6402 ; 2234-6163
Citation Title
Journal of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons지
Journal of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
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