두경부 양성 골종의 임상적 분석

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Clinical Analysis of Benign Osteomas on Head and Neck region
Osteomas are most often located in the femur, tibia, humerus, spine, and talus. They are rare in the skull. Osteomas in the head and neck regions are benign bone neoplasms usually found in the frontoethmoid area. The developmental theory postulates that osteomas develop at the sites of fusion of tissues different embryological origin such as occur at the junction of the embryonic cartilaginous frontal and ethmoid bones. Trauma and infection have also been implicated as causative factors, but many patients with osteoma deny any preceding history of these. Osteomas are usually produce symptoms primary to cosmetic problems and secondary to pressure on adjacent structures. The objects of this study are from a 5-year period of April of 2002 to April of 2007, consisting of 48 male patients and 52 female. There were 33 cases of frontal bone osteomas, 5 cases of madibular bone osteomas, 5 cases of occipital bone osteomas, 6 cases of symptomatic paranasal sinus osteomas, 48 cases of asymptomatic paranasal sinus osteomas, and 3 cases of mastoid osteomas. We reviewed medical records of patients to find out their presentations, diagnostic considerations, therapeutic options, and outcomes. Patients were followed up six months postoperatively on the average. The authors experienced 48 cases of osteoma in the head and neck lesion, which were removed via direct approach or endoscopic approach. The 100 cases who came to the hospital with or without symptoms after diagnosis healed completely without sequelae. During the follow-up periods, excellent functional and cosmetic results were observed with an inconspicuous scar. There was no specific complications related to this procedure. Results of surgery in most cases were satisfied. We discussed the surgical procedure and the characteristics of the osteomas, and we report several cases with the review of literatures.
All Author(s)
송진우 ; 최환준 ; 최창용 ; 김미선
Issued Date
1229-9820 ; 2287-1152
Citation Title
Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
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성형외과 > 1. Journal Papers
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