손가락동맥과 동반정맥 구조에 대한 해부학적 연구

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Analysis of the Anatomy of the Venae Comitantes Related to the Digital Artery
Purpose: Many descriptions of the digital arterial anatomy including skin territory of the finger have been published. Relatively few studies on venous architecture of the finger have been performed in this area, in part, attributable to the technical difficulties encountered in dissecting small vessels. The purpose of this study is to present the precise microsurgical anatomy of the vein related to the digital artery and venae comitantes of the components. Methods: Arterial and venous anatomy of their relation to the fingers were examined in 38 specimens of two fresh cadavers and 36 clinical cases. All specimens were evaluated grossly, surgical microscopically, or / and light microscopically to observe the three & two-dimensional structure of the artery and joining vein, evidence of the venae comitantes, and venous valve. Results: No longitudinal venae comitantes along the digital artery were found in any specimens. The size of the venae comitantes of each digital artery was much smaller than other vein, but always existed any level of digital artery. One or two venae comitantes in the digital artery ran spiral, oblique, helical, fibrillar, or irregular branched shape. The authors also found the vein of the finger, that had bicuspid valves, but not in venae comitantes. Conclusion: Recently, venous outflow problem rather than arterial circulation is the most common cause tissue failure after microvascular surgery in the hand. Sometimes, if it is not recognized early, there is an increased risk of tissue damage and loss. The authors concluded that this study presents a useful knowledge for the characterization of the venous structure and evidence for venae comitantes like a venule in the digital artery at varying levels of the finger.
All Author(s)
최환준 ; 심병관 ; 김철한 ; 탁민성 ; 김준혁 ; 정성균 ; 이영만
Issued Date
Digital arteryVeinVenae comitantesMicrosurgeryFinger
1015-6402 ; 2234-6163
Citation Title
Journal of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
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성형외과 > 1. Journal Papers
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