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Full Thickness Skin Graft Using Palmar Crease
Purpose: The two major concerns in skin grafting are poor color match in the recipient site and the donor site morbidity. And, glabrous skin on the palmar aspect of the hands and plantar aspect of the feet attributes define the skin on the palm and fingers sole as functionally and aesthetically different from skin on other parts of the body. When there is a glabrous skin defect, it should be replaced with similar skin to restore function and aesthetics. The palmar crease areas were used to minimize these problems. The purpose of this study is to present the precise surgical technique of the full thickness skin graft using distal palmar and midpalmar creases for aesthetic better outcome for hand injuries. Methods: From May 2006 to April 2010, 10 patients with 11 defects underwent glabrous full thickness skin grafting of finger defects. Causes included seven machinery injuries, two secondary burn reconstructions, and one knife injury. Donor sites included ten glabrous full thickness skin graft from the distal palmar crease and one from the midpalmar crease. Results: Follow-up ranged from 3 months to 24 months. All glabrous skin grafts demonstrated complete taking the recipient sites and no incidence of the complete or partial loss. The donor site healed without complications, and there were no incidences of significant hypopigmantation, hyperpigmentation, or hypertrophic scarring. Conclusion: The important aspects of this method involve immediate return of glabrous skin to the defect site and restoration of the recipient site's crease by simple primary closure from adjacent skin. The glabrous skin of the palm provides the best tissue match for the reconstruction of the hands, but only a limited amount of tissue is available for this purpose. Full thickness skin grafting using palmar crease of the defects is the ideal way of reconstructing glabrous skin to restore both function and aesthetics and minimize donor site morbidity.
All Author(s)
최요안 ; 최환준 ; 김준혁 ; 이영만
Issued Date
Glabrous skinPalmarFull thicknessHandReconstruction
1015-6402 ; 2234-6163
Citation Title
Journal of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
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성형외과 > 1. Journal Papers
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