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Reconstruction of the Orbital Floor Fracture using the Antral Balloon Catheter with Radiopaque Dye
Purpose: Blow-out fractures are reduced through transcutaneous or transconjunctival incisions. But the field of orbital surgery is difficult due to lack of visualization of fracture site, blind dissection of orbital floor, susceptibility of injury of orbital structures. In these situations, the former technique of using an antral balloon catheter has advantages over other methods for reconstruction because of its rapidity, simplicity, and inexpensiveness. Furthermore, the antral balloon catheter allows not only elevation of the orbital bone fragment but also expansion of the maxillary sinus in cases where there is a fracture of its walls. But postoperative follow-up method using computed tomography is expensive. Hence, we report a simple and inexpensive follow-up method using radiopaque dye inflation. Methods: We performed endoscopic transantral approach in 5 cases of blow-out fracture under general anesthesia. To accomplish this technique, a rigid 4 mm, 0 or 30 degree angled endoscopy was inserted into the maxillary sinus. Inflation of the catheter started gradually, with 10 to 15 mL of saline mixed radiopaque dye (saline: dye, 5 : 1) by syringe and while observing the elevation of the fracture site with endoscope until a proper contour was reached. For the maintain of the position of fractured site, 12 French urinary balloon foley catheter were used in fracture site for 7 - 10 days. Results: Postoperative assessment was performed by means of clinical and simple radiographic examination to secure the catheter under the inferior orbital wall and in the maxillary sinus. No specific complications occurred related to this procedure. Results of the surgery and follow-up in all cases were satisfactory. Conclusion: It may be a better alternative to the conventional follow-up method, with less cost and effectiveness of the catheter patency. The advantages of using the urinary balloon foley catheter with the radiopaque dye include the following : it is safe, efficacy, simple, and especially low cost. On drawback of this method is the discomfort to the patient caused by the catheter during the treatment.
All Author(s)
최환준 ; 이한정 ; 양형은 ; 이영만
Issued Date
Blow-out fractureEndoscopeTransantral approach
1015-6402 ; 2234-6163
Citation Title
Journal of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
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성형외과 > 1. Journal Papers
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